Merav Roth (PhD) is a clinical psychologist and a training psychoanalyst at the Israeli psychoanalytic society; teacher and supervisor both at the Psychoanalytic institute as well as at the psychotherapy program, Sackler school of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University; and a researcher of psychoanalysis and literature. She is the chair of the psychotherapy program, Sackler school of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, and the former chair of the interdisciplinary Doctoral program in psychoanalysis and the former founder and chair of the post graduate Klein studies, both at the psychotherapy program, Sackler school of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University. Together with Joshua Durban, Roth edited and wrote the Preface and introductions to the book “Melanie Klein – essential papers II” (Tel Aviv: Book-Worm, 2013) and recently published her book in Hebrew (מה קורה לקורא? התבוננות פסיכואנליטית בקריאת ספרות, Jerusalem Carmel, 2017), which was also published in a translated and edited version in English, named: “Reading the Reader – a Psychoanalytic perspective on Literature”, (London and New-York: Routledge books, 2020). Roth also published various chapters in books and papers (both in English and in Hebrew) on psychoanalysis, literature and trauma.