Shai Ignatz – “Gorgeous” (Signed Artist Book)




ספר אמן של שי איגנץ – נשות ויצו או גן העצמאות בבוקר
עותק חתום בידי האמן

יום העצמאות בבוקר, 2003
עיצוב והפקה: גילה קפלן

About the book Gorgeous
“GORGEOUS” was a true labour of love. I met Shai Ignatz several years ago at a WIZO conference in Tel Aviv where he was commissioned to photograph the Presidents of all the Federations. Over the years we became friends and I became acquainted with his work and his stature in the Israeli Art scene. During our many conversations he told me that his dream was to photograph a series of WIZO women in their home environment. The book was commissioned by WIZO Australia (Victoria). Part of the work featured was exhibited at the Tel-Aviv Museum of Art, Helena Rubinstein Pavilion, as part of the Exhibition “Living Room”, March-July 2010